Mission Statement
GreenTraveller seeks to enrich peoples’ lives through cultural and environmental-friendly tours, to raise awareness regarding Greece’s nature, ecology, heritage and culture and promote green business practices.
GreenTraveller supports scientific research and education activities on wildlife and ecosystems, marine life, management of protected areas, archaeology and culture.
We are committed to contribute to the conservation of Greece's most endangered wildlife and threatened habitats and to the development of sustainable livelihoods for local communities.
Working with the general public, scientists, citizen scientists, communities, educators, students, and corporate fellows, our aim is to engage people worldwide in field research, environment protection and education, promoting the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment.
Collaborating with non-profit organizations, protected areas’ management authorities and local business, our purpose is to raise environmental awareness and sustainability through responsible travel and tourism.
We seek to inspire people, businesses, and communities with experiences, knowledge, and tools that enable them to take action.
We try to attain the highest standards in all our activities and with the least possible impact on local culture and environment.
We are dedicated to helping the local communities and business to conduct responsible tourism and adopt more eco-friendly practices by offering recommendations and advice.
We continuously seek to raise environmental awareness through responsible travel, volunteerism, education and scientific research.
We strive to enrich people's lives by providing outstanding travel experiences through cultural and environmental-friendly adventures as well as educational activities.
Exploring Cultural & Natural treasures
Take part in an exciting journey exploring Greece's rich wildlife and impressive culture. You will be based in a single good quality hotel, and will take daily field trips to National Parks and cultural sites. This expedition takes places within the five National Parks of Epirus Region, renowned for landscapes of exceptional beauty and marvellous variety of fauna and flora. The region’s fascinating ancient, historical and religious heritage will not be forgotten...Read more...
Summer Adventures
An excellent opportunity for those wishing to spend a week observing marine wildlife, while meeting the daily challenges of living on a sailing vessel. You have the opportunity to become one of the crew and learn the traditional skills and tasks of a sailor including keeping watches, setting sails, steering, navigation and more. You will participate in wildlife surveys around the waters of the Ionian Islands, focusing on Short-beaked Common Dolphin...Read more...
Wildlife Expeditions
Explore the wildlife of some of the most pristine National Parks of Northern Greece, outstanding areas that are excellent destinations for bird, wildflower, butterfly and photography enthusiasts or for those who simply wish to unwind in the tranquillity of nature. This trip is for those who want to discover few of the region's best wildlife hotspots observing rare and endangered species, feel the insights of Thessaloniki long history and cosmopolitan life, and visit distinctive archaeological... Read more...
Protected Areas
Experience a truly rewarding Protected Area Management programme in the pristine National Parks of the Epirus Region. Working closely with Park’s staff and inspiring environmentalists, volunteers undertake various field work and office duties to assist in the implementation of the Parks’ day-to-day Management and conservation efforts. .. Read more...
Wildlife Surveys
Participate in the monitoring and research of National Parks' abundant wildlife.In this project volunteers will be involved with the monitoring and research of the Parks’ rich wildlife. You will be working together with the Parks’ personnel and other highly experienced scientists and you will learn a range of skills from those focused on research... Read more...
Autumn Eco-Navigation
An excellent opportunity for those wishing to engage in marine conservation projects and marine wildlife surveys while living and working on a sailing vessel. As a volunteer you will become one of the crew and learn the traditional skills and tasks of a sailor including keeping watches, setting sails, steering, navigation, galley cooking duties, and vessel upkeep. You will participate in wildlife surveys ... Read more...
Nature Guides/Ecotourism
This is a great opportunity for those wishing to gain intense experience, knowledge and skills as Nature Guides and amateur nature & wildlife photographers. This intern programme offers the best in theoretical teaching and hands-on information and experience for participants who are keen to establish themselves as a professional Nature Guide or for the adventurous type wanting to gain ... Read more...